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Template manager - filter variables

All template files contain the generation of the category filter, vendor filter, price filter and other attribute filter e.g. color,size,.. filter.

The filter area consists of three parts:

  1. Currently selected filters that are to be removed.
  2. Available filters.
  3. Irrelevant filters that contain the entire query output.


Variable Type Brief description
CHOSEN_FILTERS array An array of filters that are currently selected
CATEGORY_CHOSEN_FILTERS array An array of category filters that are currently selected
COMPANY_CHOSEN_FILTERS array Array of vendor filters that are currently selected
PRICE_CHOSEN_FILTERS array Array of price filters that are currently selected
FILTERS array Array of all selectable filters
REDUNDANT_FILTERS array Array of irrelevant filters
REMOVE_ALL_FILTERS string URL to the search results with all previous filters removed.

Items of all CHOSEN_FILTERS arrays

Variable Type Brief description string Name of the selected filter, e.g. Color
ITEM.display string The character string of the selected filter to be displayed string URL to the search results with this filter removed
ITEM.value string Value of the selected filter, z.B.: red

Expanding items of range filters (for example, the price filter)

Variable Type Brief description
ITEM.params.min string Minimum of the range filter
ITEM.params.max string Maximum of the range filter

You can access the structure of the selectable filters, for example, in the following way:

Variable Type Brief description array Array of the selectable category filters
FILTERS.vendor.filters array Array of the selectable vendor filters
FILTERS.price.filters array Array of the selectable price filters

Items of the array of the selectable filters

Variable Type Brief description string Name of the filter, e.g. category
ITEM.depth string Depth within a filter hierarchy
ITEM.frequency integer absolute frequency of items with this filter in the search result
ITEM.weight number relative weight of this filter, for the tag cloud display for example string URL query string to the search results, additionally selected with this filter
ITEM.params[0] string Value of the filter (e.g. “red”)

Code examples

Here is a small code example that checks if there are chosen filters and prints them out in the search result.

    <div class="fl-chosen-filters-bar">
        {include file='components/chosen_filters.tpl'}{*This file generates the chosen filters HTML structure*}

If you want to check if a certain filter is selected (e.g. color=red), you can use this:

{if $CHOSEN_FILTERS.color[0].value == 'red'}
    {*Do something*}
If you are still using this, then the filter configuration in the customer account won't work.

Please refer to our documentation about the {generated_filters}template manager plugins

This example creates the HTML structure for the filters category, vendor and price:

<!-- Warning: Outdated. Don't use it! -->
<div id="flMainFilters">
    <div class="flFilterBox">
        <strong style="font-size:12px;">Category</strong>
        <div class="flFilterBoxFilters">{filter name="cat"}</div>
    <div class="flFilterBox">
        <strong style="font-size:12px;">Manufacturer</strong>
        <div class="flFilterBoxFilters">{filter name="vendor"}</div>
    <div class="flFilterBox">
        <strong style="font-size:12px;">Price</strong>
	<div class="flFilterBoxFilters">{filter name="price"}</div>