Table of Contents

Setup data sync with Plentymarkets REST-API

Create API user

Setup a user with access REST-API in your shop, see also Plentymarkets documentation.

The username and password must not contain special characters.

Required permissions

The following authorisations (✓) are necessary in the tab Rights → REST-API:

Make sure to switch to the “Advanced” mode to see all the relevant permissions

Configuration of the API user

API username and password must be entered at the Findologic Account.
The credentials can be entered, by pressing the Settings button in the top right corner, in the menu under Data > Synchronisation.

Export configurations

The export can be configured within the Findologic Account.

Multi-shop ID

Please configure the corresponding Store ID from the Plentymarkets backend.

Availability ID

Products with the configured availability ID will be excluded from the export

Price and RRP ID

Configure the price ID and RRP ID, that should be considered for the export.

Referrer ID

Limit the amount of exported properties to one referrer. Only properties including the configured referrer will be exported.

Default export

Please see Plentymarkets Export information to get an overview which values are exported by default and where they can be found in your Plentymarkets backend.

Export of variations

Variations are merged to one product. They will only be exported if

Exclusion tag

It may take a while until the tag is available in the Plentymarkets API.

In Setup > Settings > Tags create a tag named findologic-exclude. Please make sure to set variations and the relevant client(s).

Exclude products and variations

Afterwards assign the tag to any variation which should get excluded from the Findologic export.

Exclude categories

Assign the tag to any category, that should be excluded from the export. The category will not appear in the category filter and the category page will be handled by the Plenty Navigation.