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Request to Findologic

In this article the request to Findologic with all important parameters and information regarding the request is documented.
If any questions occur, please contact our technical support

Our library helps requesting the Findologic API and also getting the data from the response and mapping it to corresponding objects. Read more at

Short overview

Fallback mechanism

Basic structure of the request

The request is composed of the following components:

Generating the request URL

All parameters keys and their values must be submitted UTF-8 and URL encoded.

attrib[Färbung][]=grün => attrib[F%C3%A4rbung][]=gr%C3%BCn
Use existing functions in order to avoid errors!

To build the request URL, use existing functions if possible. The request is automatically correctly coded with these. In PHP for example, the function is http_build_query:

$parameters = array(
  'attrib' => array(
    'cat' => array(
$requestUrl = '' . http_build_query($parameters);


The following are examples of queries:

Search Request
“green car” <Service-URL>?query=green%20car
“green car”, “new items first” <Service-URL>?query=green%20car&order=dateadded+DESC
“green car”, page 2 (with 24 items per page) <Service-URL>?query=green%20car&first=24
“green car”, limited by the “Cars” category <Service-URL>?query=green%20car&attrib[cat][]=Cars
“green car”, all items of the “Cars” category in green colour <Service-URL>?query=green%20car&attrib[cat][]=Cars&attrib[Colour][]=green
“t-shirt”, limited to those that are available in the colour red and blue <Service-URL>?query=t-shirt&attrib[Colour][]=red&attrib[Colour][]=blue