

This is an old revision of the document!

Here you can find detailed documentations about the integration of FINDOLOGIC into shopsystems, which are supported by FINDOLOGIC.
You can also find other topics regarding the integration of FINDOLOGIC in this section.

You can find a detailed documentation about the Direct Integration here.

The template manager allows you to edit the search result pages to your desire.
This is by default only possible if you are still in integration phase.
You can find the documentation about this topic here.

FINDOLOGIC provides many template manager plugins for you, that make changes much easier. Here you can find everything regarding this topic.

Here you can find a detailed documentation how to integrate FINDOLOGIC with plentymarkets Ceres.

Here you can find a detailed documentation how to integrate FINDOLOGIC with the Shopware Unified Plugin.

The FINDOLOGIC service is available after the first successful import-/export process. Here you can find more about that topic.

The FINDOLOGIC service is available after the first successful import-/export process. Here you can find more about that topic.

You can find a description of common request parameters here.

The FINDOLOGIC search service is available after the first successful import-/export process. Here you can find more about that topic.

If you want to customize the Smart Suggest by your own, FINDOLOGIC offers an API documentation regarding this topic. You can also try out your changes live in this documentation. Click here to get there.

If you are integrating by your own, we have made a checklist for your integration
and what you have to keep in mind, when using FINDOLOGIC (export, search result, configuration, etc.).

Frequently asked questions