

This is an old revision of the document!

If you have set up promotions in the FINDOLOGIC customer account, you have to follow these instructions in order to get the promotion banners active in your shop:

  • Open the menu CMS » container links.
  • Connect the container with the data provider, as shown in the following screenshot:

  • Add the following row to the file resources/views/Category/Item/CategoryItem.twig:"Findologic::CategoryItem.Promotion")
We recommend to add the file resources/views/Category/Item/CategoryItem.twig to your own theme, if you have one. If you add the row to the Ceres plugin itself, it will disappear after the next update.

  • Add an eventlistener in the serviceprovider of the plugin to “” and “IO.tpl.category.item”, which is loading “CategoryItem.twig”:


    public function boot(Twig $twig, Dispatcher $dispatcher, ConfigRepository $config)
    	$dispatcher->listen('IO.tpl.category.item', function (TemplateContainer $container)
    	}, self::PRIORITY);
    	$dispatcher->listen('', function (TemplateContainer $container)
    	}, self::PRIORITY);