

Shopware 6 Export Information

Overview of Shopware 6 product data which is considered for the Findologic XML export.

Item Short Description In export Reason
<item id=""> Internal Shopware UUID Yes
<ordernumbers> Contains product number, EAN and manufacturer numbers Yes
<name> Translated product name Yes
<summaries> Short description No* Not available
<description> Long description Yes
<prices> Lowest price of the product and all its variants Yes
<overriddenPrices>RRP of the exported product Yes
<urls> URL to the product detail page Yes
<images> Images assigned to the product Yes
<keywords> Translated configured product Search keywords Yes
<usergroups> Customer groups which are allowed to see this product Yes
<bonuses> Bonus value to rank certain products higher than others No* Not available
<salesfrequency> Amount of sold items of this product Yes
<dateAdded> Creation date Yes
<sorts> Value for custom sorting of search results No* Not available
<attributes> Assigned categories, vendors, variation properties and custom fields Yes
<properties> Additional product details such as packunit, stock, weight, width, old prices, etc. Yes
<variants> See here Yes


Please note that fields, which are not exported by default, can be adapted by an agency, using the Shopware 6 extension plugin.

Products are only exported, when Shopware would show them on a search or category result page. The plugin internally uses constraints by Shopware, which restricts all products from being exported, if they are not available by Shopware.

The following criteria must be met:

  • Product must be active.
  • Product must have at least one active category assigned.
  • Product must have the sales channel assigned, which the configured shopkey is assigned to.
All issues related to the export, are logged inside of the plugin log file, which can be found in


When a product is missing in the export, you can also use the export parameter productId, which will contain all reasons, why the specific product couldn't be exported.



The id of the item is the Shopware UUID of the product. This UUID is only visible in the URL, when editing products in the admin interface.


The ordernumbers field contains the product number, EAN and manufacturer of the product, and all its variants.

product number

ordernumber ean


Product title, based on the exported language.



Product description, based on the exported language.



Depending on the plugin configuration:

  • Contains the price of the product for the configured currency.
  • Contains the Advanced Pricing of the product for the configured currency.

default prices

advanced pricing


Depending on the plugin configuration:

  • Contains the RRP of the product for the configured currency.
  • Contains the Advanced Pricing RRP of the product for the configured currency.

default RRP

advanced RRP


SEO URL to the product detail page.



Configured cover image. In case there is no cover image, the first available image is taken instead. When the main product does not have any images, the images of the variants are taken instead.


Please note that the exported images will use the thumbnails to be generated. The first available size, which is at least 600px will be used for this.

See configuration in Content > Media > Product Media > Thumbnails:

thumbnail configuration


  • Product name as keywords. ("Some example product" -> some, example, product)
  • Manufacturer product number
  • Configured product search keywords. keywords


Contains all available customer groups.

See configuration at Settings > Customer groups.



Amount of sold items of this product in the last month.


Configured release date of the product.



Attributes will be used as filters. Attribute data is coming from

  • All assigned categories, as well as categories with a linked Dynamic Product Group. Internal attribute name is cat and cat_url.
  • Assigned manufacturer. Internal attribute name is vendor.
  • Assigned properties. Note that all properties must have the setting "Display in product filter" enabled. Properties which don't have it enabled are exported in <properties>. Internal attribute name is the group name of the property.
  • Assigned custom fields. Internal attribute name is the name of the custom field.
  • Shipping free and rating are exported as internal attribute names shipping_free and rating.


attributes vendor


custom fields

free shipping


variant options


  • tax
  • purchaseunit
  • referenceunit
  • packunit
  • stock
  • availableStock
  • weight
  • width
  • height
  • length
  • releasedate
  • vendorlogo
  • old_price/old_price_net
  • product_promotion

properties 1

properties 2

properties 3

properties 4

properties 5


  • Main product: Can be either the parent product, the configured main variant or the cheapest variant. The information listed above is the information exported for the main product. Some information of the variants is also exported within the XML of the main product: Ordernumbers, Attributes (except manufacturer) and all properties without enabled "Display in product filter" configuration.
  • Variants: All the sibling products (limited by the same criteria as the main product) of the main product.

Variant Export:

  • Shopware default: Export as it would be without the plugin. Depending on the storefront presentation of the variants.
  • Main-/Parent product: The configured main variant is exported. If not set, the main product is exported.
  • Cheapest variant: The cheapest variant is exported.

Variants can either be exported as one main product combining all information or as separate products.

  1. One main product:

    • Shopware default with configured main variant
    • Shopware default with "Display single product" -> "Main product"
    • Shopware default with "Expand property values in product listings" but without selected values
    • Main-/Parent product
    • Cheapest variant
  2. Separate products (Shopware default only):

    • "Expand property values in product listings" with a selected value (e.g. Colour):
      • Separate products for each colour. Each product contains the information of the other variants with the same colour.
    • "Expand property values in product listings" with all values:
      • Separate products each variant.
    • Specifically for plugin v5:
      • "Use XML variants logic" must be activated in the plugin configuration so that it is exported correctly.
      • Instead of one product with all information, all variants are exported as tag.
      • The variants will be recognized as variants within our search. See here
      • The most relevant variant will be shown in the search result. (e.g. red colored shirts, when filtering for red)

variants 1

variants 2

variants 3

variants 4