

This is an old revision of the document!

Download from Shopware store


  • As with other Shopware plugins:
    • Install the plugin via the Shopware store or the plugin manager in the Shopware backend.
    • Activate the plugin.

Plugin configuration

In the plugin manager open the configuration by clicking on the pen icon.

  • Shopkey: Enter the shopkey provided by Findologic - required
  • Active: Activate to enable Findologic search for your shop - required
  • Active for category pages: Activate Findologic on navigation pages - for API integration.
  • Cross-Selling categories: Select categories to exclude the products within from getting exported. Those products will not show up in search or navigation results, used for cross-selling products.
  • CSS class for main cotainter: In case different html container should be used for Direct Integration, see documentation.
  • CSS class for main cotainter on category pages: In case different html container should be used for Direct Integration, see documentation.
  • Integration (read only): This field is set automatically and shows the used integration, either Direct Integration or API.
  • Findologic Test: This button is shown when the Findologic integration is still in staging mode. Clicking the button will redirect you to the shop frontend, where Findologic can be tested. Please be aware that a successful product export must happen before the test mode can be used.

Findologic Staging mode

During integration the Findologic service can be tested with the Findologic Test button or by calling


The orange Findologic staging banner should be shown.

When the staging mode is used for the first time it's necessary to reload the page with Ctrl + Shift + R

Configure search word length

  • In order for the category and the vendor suggestions of the Findologic Smart Suggest to work properly it is necessary to set the minimal allowed length of the search word to 0.
  • Clear Shopware cache after saving the setting.

Run export

The export can be triggered by URL in your browser:

  • shopkey: API key provided by Findologic
  • start: number that should not be lower than zero
  • count: number that should not lower than zero and “start” number

This export url has to be set in the Findologic Account Settings, see documentation.

Products are going to be exported when:

  • Product is active.
  • Active category is set.
  • Product is visible in standard search and product detail page.

If you have troubles with the export please contact us at

The generated XML is validated against our predefined XSD scheme and built with our export library libflexport.

Integration of promotions

The promotion template will be provided by the plugin if there is a match with the query and can be added via the following smarty-plugin:

{include file='frontend/fin_search_unified/promotion.tpl'}

This will add the following block of HTML to template:

{block name="frontend_listing_promotion"}
  {if $finPromotion}
    <div id="fl-promotion" class="panel has--border is--rounded">
      <div class="panel--body is--wide">
        <a href="{$}"><img class="image" src="{$finPromotion.image}"></a>

Integration of Smart Did-You-Mean

´ See documentation.

Export customization

The plugin can be extended by following the Shopware plugin system standard. All important classes are registerd as services. Findologic provides a boilerplate plugin plugin-shopware-5-extension which can be copied and used as a quickstart to customize the export.


  • Filters / Facets
    • In the Findologic customer account you can set and configure the filters which should be displayed in the shop.
    • The order of the filters is specified by Findologic and the visualization is handled by the Shopware template.
  • Upgrading from earlier versions
    • If there were no customizations made to the FinSearchAPI plugin, there is nothing todo.
    • If there were customizations (do this in a dev environment if possible):
      • Backup old plugin
      • Upgrade plugin
      • Reimplement old logic if needed by using another plugin as mentioned in the customization part of this documentation.