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Shopify - Export information

Overview of Shopify product data which is considered for the Findologic XML export.


Item Short Description In export Reason
<item id=""> Product id Yes
<ordernumbers> SKU Yes
<name> Product title Yes
<summaries> Summarized product description No Not available
<description> Product description Yes
<prices> Product price Yes
<urls> URL to the product page Yes
<images> Product images and thumbnails Yes
<keywords> Product tags Yes
<usergroups> Visibility of article, i.e. only visible to the exported usergroups No Not available
<bonuses> Bonus value to rank certain products higher than others No Not available
<salesfrequency> Amount of sold items of this article No Not available
<dateAdded> Create date of product Yes
<sorts> Value for custom sorting of search results No Not available
<attributes> Product type, vendor, options, named tags and meta-fields. Will be filters. Yes
<properties> Prices min/max/compare, named tags, variant data, media and meta-fields Yes



A product must be active in order to get exported.

The ID is visible in the url when editing a product in the Shopify backend.


The SKU is exported as ordernumber.


The product title is exported as name.


The product description is exported as description.


The lowest price of all variants gets exported as price.


Product urls as generated by Shopify.


For each image, the original and thumbnail url is exported.


Tags are exported as keywords.


Stored created_at date of product.


List of values exported as attributes:

Product type, vendor, collections and named tags

Values in the right box are exported as attributes. Please also see Add filters with named tags.

Variant options

All options on variants are exported as attributes.

Meta fields with namespace findologic-attr

You can use various apps to create meta fields in Shopify. Add a key and value to a meta field and assign it to the namespace findologic-attr

Attribute keys vendor, product_type, cat_url and cat are exported by default and can't be set with meta-fields


List of values exported as properties:

Product media, prices min/max and named tags

Product media (images and videos), minimum + maximum price of all variants and named tags are exported as properties. Please also see Add filters with named tags.

Compare at price

The minimum compare at price of all variants is exported as property.

Variant data

For Direct Integration the variant data gets exported as property in JSON format.

  "<VARIANT-ID>": {
    "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/<VARIANT-ID>",
    "barcode": "",
    "compare_at_price": 60.0,
    "created_at": "2021-02-10T01:16:58-05:00",
    "grams": 0,
    "id": <VARIANT-ID>,
    "image_id": null,
    "inventory_item_id": <INVENTORY-ITEM-ID>,
    "inventory_policy": "deny",
    "inventory_quantity": 49,
    "option1": "Cotton",
    "option2": null,
    "option3": null,
    "position": 1,
    "price": 58.0,
    "requires_shipping": false,
    "sku": "1234",
    "taxable": true,
    "title": "Cotton",
    "updated_at": "2021-03-04T01:55:45-05:00",
    "weight": 0.0,
    "weight_unit": "g"

Meta fields with namespace findologic-prop

You can use various apps to create meta fields in Shopify. Add a key and value to a meta field and assign it to the namespace findologic-prop