

FINDOLOGIC documentation

Technical documentation wiki

Welcome to our technical documentation.
In this documentation you can find all important information about technical and administrative topics.

Contact our technical support - If you have any issues, please let us know about them.

Link Description
Customer account Findologic provides features like synonyms, landing pages and more! Here you can find detailed description for all features.
Integration documentation Here you can see how you can integrate Findologic in your shop. Findologic offers plugins for the most common shop systems.
XML export documentation Find detailed information about the XML export here.
CSV export documentation Find detailed information about the CSV export here.
Frequent import/export errors Find information about frequent errors in the data synchronisation and how to handle them here.
Use Findologic with Google Analytics Step by step manual in how you can use Findologic with Google Analytics.
Personalization with Findologic With this short manual you can easily learn how to boost certain products based on user information provided by a webshop.
Link Description
Help Center / FAQ's Here is our Help Center / FAQ's.
Findologic Homepage Official Homepage.
Customer account login Login to the customer account.
Contact our technical support If you have any issues, please let us know about them.