

Here you can find detailed documentations about the integration of Findologic into specific shop systems.
You can also find other topics regarding the integration of Findologic in this section.

The service of Findologic is available after the first successful datasync process.

Search request to Findologic

Here you can find detailed information about the search request submitted from your shopsystem to Findologic.

Navigation request to Findologic

Here you can find detailed information about the navigation request submitted from your shopsystem to Findologic.

Common request parameters

Here you can find a description of common parameters used in a request to Findologic.

XML response

Here you can find more about the response of Findologic in XML format.

JSON response

Here you can find a detailed API specification of our JSON response format.

Li.S.A. response

Here you can find a detailed API specification for all the data you need to implement Li.S.A. in your shop.

Li.S.A. styleguide

You can download a styleguide for your Li.S.A. integration as a PDF download here.

Assisted Suggest styleguide

You can download a styleguide for your Assisted Suggest integration as a PDF download here.

Product Update API

Here you can find a detailed API specification for all the data you need to implement the Product Update API.

Product List

Following the link above you can reach our Product List documentation.

Shopping Guide

Following the link above you can reach our Shopping Guide documentation.

Assisted Suggest API documentation

Following the link above you can reach our API documentation.

Smart Suggest API documentation

Following the link above you can reach our API documentation (see the schema “Smart Suggest response (V3 and below)”).

Smart Suggest styling

You can find information around Smart Suggest styling (including some styling examples) following the link above.

Checklist for your own integration

If you are integrating by your own, we have made a checklist for your integration
and what you have to keep in mind, when using Findologic (export, search result, configuration, etc.).