

This is an old revision of the document!

Install the Findologic Shopware 6 plugin from the Shopware store.

In the Shopware backend go to Settings → System → Plugins

Click on Config

Insert required configuration

  • Shopkey: Enter the shopkey provided by Findologic - required
  • Active: Activate to enable Findologic search for your shop - required
  • Active on category pages: Activate Findologic on navigation pages - for API integration.
  • Test mode: This button is shown when the Findologic integration is still in staging mode. Clicking the button will redirect you to the shop frontend, where Findologic can be tested.
  • CSS class for search/navigation: In case different Html container should be used for Direct Integration, see documentation.
  • Integration (read only): This field is set automatically and shows the used integration, either Direct Integration or API.

Save the configuration.