

This is an old revision of the document!

FINDOLOGIC offers the following variables for the search result, to optimize it for your desire.

The RESULT array contains all products based on the searched query.

Variable Type Brief description
RESULT array Array of the entire search result
QUERY string Search query text.
TOTAL_RESULTS integer Total number of results found.

Items of the RESULT array

You can call the RESULT array and get following informations:

Variable Type Brief description
ITEM.ID string The unique item ID as submitted in the CSV or XML.
ITEM.ORDERNUMBER string The ordernumber as submitted in the CSV or XML.
ITEM.TITLE string The item name with emphasis of terms found flemphasis1) .
ITEM.TITLE_WITHOUT_HIGHLIGHTING string The item name without emphasis of terms found.
ITEM.SUMMARY string The short description with emphasis of terms found.
ITEM.PRICE number The currently applicable gross price of the item, e.g. offer price.
ITEM.OVERRIDDEN_PRICE number The normal price, RRP, etc.
ITEM.IMAGE string The URL of the item thumbnail image.
ITEM.URL string The URL of the item detail page.
ITEM.TAX_RATE number The tax rate of the item.
ITEM.PROPERTIES struct The structure with the contents of the optional columns of the CSV 2).
ITEM.ATTRIBUTES struct The structure with the attributes configured to be outputted in the template. This is only recommended if you would have duplicate content in properties and attributes.

Code example

Here is a small code example that goes threw all products and prints them out in the search result.

{foreach from=$RESULT key=I item=RESULT name=RESULTS}
    <li class="fl-product">
        <a href="{$RESULT.URL}">
            <div class="fl-product-image">
                <span class="fl-vertical-align-helper"></span>
                <img src="{$RESULT.IMAGE}"/>
            <p class="fl-product-title">{$RESULT.TITLE}</p>
                <span class="fl-product-price">
                <span class="fl-product-call-to-action fl-button">

What exactly happens here?

First we are crating a Smarty foreach that iterates over all items from the RESULT array. Afterwards we are creating a list, that should have the product inside. {$PREFIX_CURRENCY} starts the currency tag and {$POSTFIX_CURRENCY} ends it.
A currency symbol will get added at the end of the price (e.g.€/£). The {$TRANSLATOR→translate('resultCtaButtonText')} creates a button with the value “details”. This button supports multiple languages.

How would the search result HTML looks like?

HTML search result

If search term highlighting is activated
E.G.: If an additional detail column is defined in the CSV for each item, ITEM.PROPERTIES.detail contains the respective value; the content of the vendor attribute remains set in ITEM.PROPERTIES.vendor