

This is an old revision of the document!

Using promotions with Plentymarkets Ceres

Set up container links as described here: Set container links

  • Open the menu ''Plugins ยป Plugin overview''.
  • Click on the plugin set where the ''Findologic plugin'' is installed.
  • Click on the ''Ceres plugin'' or your own theme to get to the configuration page.
  • Add the following row to the file //resources/views/Category/Item/CategoryItem.twig//:"Findologic::CategoryItem.Promotion")
We recommend to add the file resources/views/Category/Item/CategoryItem.twig to your own theme, if you have one. If you add the row to the Ceres plugin itself, it will disappear after the next update.

  • Add an eventlistener in the serviceprovider of the plugin to "" and "IO.tpl.category.item", which is loading "CategoryItem.twig":


    public function boot(Twig $twig, Dispatcher $dispatcher, ConfigRepository $config)
    	$dispatcher->listen('IO.tpl.category.item', function (TemplateContainer $container)
    	}, self::PRIORITY);
    	$dispatcher->listen('', function (TemplateContainer $container)
    	}, self::PRIORITY);