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xml_export_documentation:xml_format [2020/02/20 16:29]
florian [Overview]
xml_export_documentation:xml_format [2023/02/22 13:03]
rihad old revision restored (2022/05/11 14:19)
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== FINDOLOGIC ​XML export format =====+===== Findologic ​XML export format =====
Line 5: Line 5:
 </​note>​ </​note>​
-  * If your are using XML-export for the data synchronization between your shop data and FINDOLOGIC, the XML-data provided by you has to be formatted in the way that is described below.+  * If your are using XML-export for the data synchronization between your shop data and Findologic, the XML-data provided by you has to be formatted in the way that is described below.
-  * Unless you have an enterprise-contract the shop data will be imported by FINDOLOGIC ​automated daily at a fixed time between 01:00 CET and 06:00 CET.+  * Unless you have an enterprise-contract the shop data will be imported by Findologic ​automated daily at a fixed time between 01:00 CET and 06:00 CET.
-  * You can either write your own export ​script, provide a completely finished XML-file for the import, or use plugin provided ​by FINDOLOGIC.+  * Export ​script ​can be written with [[https://​github.com/​findologic/​libflexport/​wiki#​initializing-the-exporter-with-a-specific-type|Findologic export library]] or by your own.
   * You can find a detailed description of all available tags in our XML-patterns below.   * You can find a detailed description of all available tags in our XML-patterns below.
-  * The latest XML scheme for validation can be found on Github: [[https://​github.com/​FINDOLOGIC/​xml-export/​blob/​master/​src/​main/​resources/​findologic.xsd|FINDOLOGIC ​XML-Schema]]. Check your XML against the scheme and see if your export XML is valid: [[https://​www.corefiling.com/​opensource/​schemaValidate.html]]+  * The latest XML scheme for validation can be found on Github: [[https://​github.com/​FINDOLOGIC/​xml-export/​blob/​master/​src/​main/​resources/​findologic.xsd|Findologic ​XML-Schema]]. Check your XML against the scheme and see if your export XML is valid: [[https://​www.corefiling.com/​opensource/​schemaValidate.html]]
-<​note>​The XML-export has to be provided ​as direct link to the XML-file ​in the customer login - if needed with login and password (HTML basic access authentication).</​note>​+<​note>​Link to the script-file that triggers ​XML-export has to be provided in the customer login - if needed with login and password (HTML basic access authentication).</​note>​
-<​note>​FINDOLOGIC ​supports all encodings. It just needs to get mentioned at the start of the XML e.g. ''<?​xml version="​1.0"​ encoding="​UTF-8"?>''​ </​note>​+<​note>​Findologic ​supports all encodings. It just needs to get mentioned at the start of the XML e.g. ''<?​xml version="​1.0"​ encoding="​UTF-8"?>''​ </​note>​
 <​note>​**The parent tags must be exported (summaries, descriptions,​ etc.), but can be closed itself (can be empty), if the child tags are not required. For example like that:** \\ <​note>​**The parent tags must be exported (summaries, descriptions,​ etc.), but can be closed itself (can be empty), if the child tags are not required. For example like that:** \\
Line 26: Line 26:
 [...] [...]
 <​html></​pre></​html></​note>​ <​html></​pre></​html></​note>​
 +<note important>​Control characters (**[#​x01-#​x08]** | **[#​x0B-#​x0C]** | **[#​x0E-#​x1F]**) are not allowed in any value of the feed.</​note>​
 ---- ----
Line 33: Line 35:
 ^**''<?​xml version=“...” encoding=“...”?>''​**| Specifies the encoding ​ | Yes | Yes | No | ^**''<?​xml version=“...” encoding=“...”?>''​**| Specifies the encoding ​ | Yes | Yes | No |
 ^**''<​[[#​item]] id="">''​**| Unique identifier ​ | Yes | Yes | No | ^**''<​[[#​item]] id="">''​**| Unique identifier ​ | Yes | Yes | No |
-^**''<​[[#​ordernumbers]]>''​**| Article number or order number ​| Yes | No | Yes |+^**''<​[[#​ordernumbers]]>''​**| Article number, EAN or SKU | Yes | No | Yes |
 ^**''<​[[#​names]]>''​**| Article name, as usually shown on the result page | Yes | Yes | Yes | ^**''<​[[#​names]]>''​**| Article name, as usually shown on the result page | Yes | Yes | Yes |
 ^**''<​[[#​summaries]]>''​**| Summarized article description ​ | Yes | No | Yes | ^**''<​[[#​summaries]]>''​**| Summarized article description ​ | Yes | No | Yes |
Line 46: Line 48:
 ^**''<​[[#​dateAddeds]]>''​**| Date current article was added | Yes | No | No | ^**''<​[[#​dateAddeds]]>''​**| Date current article was added | Yes | No | No |
 ^**''<​[[#​sorts]]>''​**| Value for custom sorting of search results | No | No | No | ^**''<​[[#​sorts]]>''​**| Value for custom sorting of search results | No | No | No |
 +^**''<​[[#​visibilities]]>''​**| Indicates the visibility of all/some products | No | No | No |
 ^**''<​[[#​attributes]]>''​**| Article categories and attributes. Will be filters | Yes | Yes| Yes, **also filterable** | ^**''<​[[#​attributes]]>''​**| Article categories and attributes. Will be filters | Yes | Yes| Yes, **also filterable** |
 ^**''<​[[#​properties]]>''​**| Additional information of article to be shown on search result listing | Yes | Yes | No | ^**''<​[[#​properties]]>''​**| Additional information of article to be shown on search result listing | Yes | Yes | No |
Line 75: Line 78:
   * ''<​items>''​ may contain 1+ ''<​item>''​-tags.   * ''<​items>''​ may contain 1+ ''<​item>''​-tags.
-<note important>​Due to runtime limitations the XML-export has to be paginated.</​note>​+<note important>​Due to runtime limitations the XML-export has to be [[https://​docs.findologic.com/​doku.php?​id=xml_export_documentation:​xml_request_and_response|paginated]].</​note>​ 
 +<note important>​You have to use double quotes to seperate XML attributes like "​count"​ or "​total"​. Single quotes are not supported at the moment.</​note>​
 <note tip>​**Using our export toolkit?** <note tip>​**Using our export toolkit?**
Line 120: Line 125:
   * ''<​ordernumbers>''​ contains 1+ ''<​ordernumber>''​-tags.   * ''<​ordernumbers>''​ contains 1+ ''<​ordernumber>''​-tags.
   * ''<​ordernumber>''​ contains an article-number like internal arcticle number, EAN, ISBN, ...   * ''<​ordernumber>''​ contains an article-number like internal arcticle number, EAN, ISBN, ...
 +<​note>​This field should be used only for article numbers/​EANs/​SKUs and NOT for the number that a user gets when an order is being submitted in your shop.</​note>​
 <note tip>​**Using our export toolkit?** <note tip>​**Using our export toolkit?**
Line 306: Line 313:
   * ''<​usergroup>''​ contains 1+ ''<​usergroup>''​-tags.   * ''<​usergroup>''​ contains 1+ ''<​usergroup>''​-tags.
   * ''<​usergroup>''​ contains a usergroup to which the item is visible.   * ''<​usergroup>''​ contains a usergroup to which the item is visible.
-  * ''<​usergroup>''​ the usergroup used as a parameter in the FINDOLOGIC-Snippet has to have the exact same wording as the usergroup that is used in the datafeed.+  * ''<​usergroup>''​ the usergroup used as a third parameter in the Findologic-Snippet ​(after shopkey) ​has to have the exact same wording as the usergroup that is used in the data feed.
 === Using usergroups to set the visibility of items === === Using usergroups to set the visibility of items ===
Line 353: Line 360:
   * ''<​bonuses>''​ contains 1+ ''<​bonus>''​-tags,​ distinguished via the usergroup-attribute.   * ''<​bonuses>''​ contains 1+ ''<​bonus>''​-tags,​ distinguished via the usergroup-attribute.
-  * ''<​bonus>''​ contains a bonus value (between -0.9 and 3) to lower or raise the ranking of a product in general+  * ''<​bonus>''​ contains a bonus value (between -0.9 and 3) to lower or raise the ranking of a product in general. ​
-  * If you have product pushing enabled in your customer login, be aware that these values will override the current values at the concerned products in the bonus field.+
 <​note>​Please note, that the value -1 will be overridden with the value -0.9 in the import.</​note> ​ <​note>​Please note, that the value -1 will be overridden with the value -0.9 in the import.</​note> ​
Line 379: Line 385:
   * ''<​salesFrequency>''​ contains a non-negative integer value for the salesfrequency which can be used for sorting.   * ''<​salesFrequency>''​ contains a non-negative integer value for the salesfrequency which can be used for sorting.
   * If you want your default order to be dynamically calculated including the exported ''<​salesFrequency>''​-values,​ please contact our support team.    * If you want your default order to be dynamically calculated including the exported ''<​salesFrequency>''​-values,​ please contact our support team. 
-<​note>​Please note, that negative values will be overridden with the value 0 in the import.</​note> ​ 
 <note tip>​**Using our export toolkit?** <note tip>​**Using our export toolkit?**
Line 426: Line 430:
   * ''<​sorts>''​ contains 1+ ''<​sort>''​-tags,​ distinguished via the usergroup-attribute.   * ''<​sorts>''​ contains 1+ ''<​sort>''​-tags,​ distinguished via the usergroup-attribute.
   * ''<​sort>''​ contains a custom integer value which can be used for sorting.   * ''<​sort>''​ contains a custom integer value which can be used for sorting.
-  * If you want your default order to be dynamically calculated including the exported ''<​salesFrequency>''​-values,​ please contact our support team. +  * If you want your default order to be dynamically calculated including the exported ''<​sort>''​-values,​ please contact our support team. 
   * You should not use negative values as ''<​sort>''​-values.  ​   * You should not use negative values as ''<​sort>''​-values.  ​
 +<note tip>​**Using our export toolkit?**
 +Creating a sort element with [[https://​github.com/​findologic/​libflexport/​wiki#​sort|libflexport]].</​note>​
 +==== visibilities ====
 +<code xml>
 +  <​visibile><​![CDATA[]]></​visibile>​
 +  <​visibile usergroup=""><​![CDATA[]]></​visibile>​
 +  [...]
 +  * ''<​visibilities>''​ contains 1+ <​visible>​-tags,​ distinguished via the usergroup-attribute.
 +  * ''<​visible>''​ must contain lowercase **true** (or **1** as a replacement) for visible initial state or lowercase **false** (or **0** as a replacement) for invisible initial state.
 +  * The default value of the default visible element (non-usergroup) is true if it did not exist.
 +  * The default value of a visible element with the usergroup tag is the same value of the default visible element if it did not exist.
 +  * If the visible element value is blank or one of the values (True, faLse, yes, no, -1 ….) , this will cause validation errors.
 <note tip>​**Using our export toolkit?** <note tip>​**Using our export toolkit?**
Line 460: Line 488:
   * ''<​attribute>''​ contains a key/value set with 1 ''<​key>''​-tag identifying the attribute and 1+ ''<​value>''​-tags setting the values for the attribute. ​   * ''<​attribute>''​ contains a key/value set with 1 ''<​key>''​-tag identifying the attribute and 1+ ''<​value>''​-tags setting the values for the attribute. ​
   * Attributes are used in filters, navigation, shopping guides and for search-queries.[[customer_account:​filter_configuration|Here]] you can find our documentation about filter configuration.   * Attributes are used in filters, navigation, shopping guides and for search-queries.[[customer_account:​filter_configuration|Here]] you can find our documentation about filter configuration.
-  * If you use a slider, do not export the values like this: //100 cm//. Correct: //100//. You can set the unit in the filter configuration in the FINDOLOGIC ​customer account. If you export //100 cm// it is not possible to use the range slider for this filter, because the range slider is only able to work with numeric values.+  * If you use a slider, do not export the values like this: //100 cm//. Correct: //100//. You can set the unit in the filter configuration in the Findologic ​customer account. If you export //100 cm// it is not possible to use the range slider for this filter, because the range slider is only able to work with numeric values.
   * We recommend the following as a standard:   * We recommend the following as a standard:
     * cat: CDATA (e.g. ''​Sneakers_Men''​ an article in the category "​Sneakers"​ and in the subcategory "​Men"​)     * cat: CDATA (e.g. ''​Sneakers_Men''​ an article in the category "​Sneakers"​ and in the subcategory "​Men"​)
Line 481: Line 509:
 ==== cat_url examples ==== ==== cat_url examples ====
-In order to use FINDOLOGIC ​Navigation with Direct Integration,​ the tag ''​cat_url''​ has to be added with the category path to the ''<​attributes>''​-tag. If a product is shown in several categories, all paths have to be exported.+In order to use Findologic ​Navigation with Direct Integration,​ the tag ''​cat_url''​ has to be added with the category path to the ''<​attributes>''​-tag. If a product is shown in several categories, all paths have to be exported.
 For example for a product, which is assigned to the following categories ... For example for a product, which is assigned to the following categories ...
Line 674: Line 702:
         <​ordernumbers usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​         <​ordernumbers usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​
           <​ordernumber>​377KTL</​ordernumber>​           <​ordernumber>​377KTL</​ordernumber>​
 +        </​ordernumbers>​
 +        <​ordernumbers usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​
 +          <​ordernumber>​577LTK</​ordernumber>​
         </​ordernumbers>​         </​ordernumbers>​
       </​allOrdernumbers>​       </​allOrdernumbers>​
Line 679: Line 710:
         <​name>​Adidas Sneaker</​name>​         <​name>​Adidas Sneaker</​name>​
         <name usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​Adidas Men's Sneaker</​name>​         <name usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​Adidas Men's Sneaker</​name>​
 +        <name usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​Adidas Women'​s Sneaker</​name>​
       </​names>​       </​names>​
       <​summaries>​       <​summaries>​
         <​summary>​A cool and fashionable sneaker</​summary>​         <​summary>​A cool and fashionable sneaker</​summary>​
         <summary usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​A cool and fashionable sneaker for men</​summary>​         <summary usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​A cool and fashionable sneaker for men</​summary>​
 +        <summary usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​A cool and fashionable sneaker for women</​summary>​
       </​summaries>​       </​summaries>​
       <​descriptions>​       <​descriptions>​
         <​description>​With this sneaker you will walk in style. It's available in green and blue.</​description>​         <​description>​With this sneaker you will walk in style. It's available in green and blue.</​description>​
-        <​description usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​With this men's sneaker you will walk in style. It's comes in various sizes and colors.</​description>​+        <​description usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​With this men's sneaker you will walk in style. It comes in various sizes and colors.</​description>​ 
 +        <​description usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​With this women'​s ​sneaker you will walk in style. It comes in various sizes and colors.</​description>​
       </​descriptions>​       </​descriptions>​
       <​prices>​       <​prices>​
         <​price>​44.8</​price>​         <​price>​44.8</​price>​
-        <price usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​45.9</​price>​+        <price usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​42.9</​price>​ 
 +        <price usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​39.9</​price>​
       </​prices>​       </​prices>​
       <​urls>​       <​urls>​
         <​url>​https://​www.store.com/​sneakers/​adidas.html</​url>​         <​url>​https://​www.store.com/​sneakers/​adidas.html</​url>​
         <url usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​https://​www.store.com/​sneakers/​mens/​adidas.html</​url>​         <url usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​https://​www.store.com/​sneakers/​mens/​adidas.html</​url>​
 +        <url usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​https://​www.store.com/​sneakers/​women/​adidas.html</​url>​
       </​urls>​       </​urls>​
       <​allImages>​       <​allImages>​
Line 702: Line 738:
         <images usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​         <images usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​
           <​image>​https://​www.store.com/​images/​277KTL.png</​image>​           <​image>​https://​www.store.com/​images/​277KTL.png</​image>​
 +        </​images>​
 +        <images usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​
 +          <​image>​https://​www.store.com/​images/​577LTK.png</​image>​
         </​images>​         </​images>​
       </​allImages>​       </​allImages>​
Line 710: Line 749:
             <​values>​             <​values>​
               <​value>​Sneakers_Men</​value>​               <​value>​Sneakers_Men</​value>​
 +              <​value>​Sneakers_Women</​value>​
               <​value>​Specials_Sale</​value>​               <​value>​Specials_Sale</​value>​
             </​values>​             </​values>​
Line 717: Line 757:
             <​values>​             <​values>​
               <​value>/​sneakers/​men</​value>​               <​value>/​sneakers/​men</​value>​
 +              <​value>/​sneakers/​women</​value>​
               <​value>/​specials/​sale</​value>​               <​value>/​specials/​sale</​value>​
             </​values>​             </​values>​
Line 744: Line 785:
           <​keyword>​cool product</​keyword>​           <​keyword>​cool product</​keyword>​
           <​keyword>​mens</​keyword>​           <​keyword>​mens</​keyword>​
 +        </​keywords>​
 +        <​keywords usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​
 +          <​keyword>​fashion</​keyword>​
 +          <​keyword>​cool product</​keyword>​
 +          <​keyword>​women</​keyword>​
         </​keywords>​         </​keywords>​
       </​allKeywords>​       </​allKeywords>​
       <​usergroups>​       <​usergroups>​
         <​usergroup>​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==</​usergroup>​         <​usergroup>​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==</​usergroup>​
-        <​usergroup>​cHBw</​usergroup>​+        <​usergroup>​PN3enVBRVH0To(/​</​usergroup>​
       </​usergroups>​       </​usergroups>​
       <​bonuses>​       <​bonuses>​
         <​bonus>​3</​bonus>​         <​bonus>​3</​bonus>​
         <bonus usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​5</​bonus>​         <bonus usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​5</​bonus>​
 +        <bonus usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​5</​bonus>​
       </​bonuses>​       </​bonuses>​
       <​salesFrequencies>​       <​salesFrequencies>​
-        <​salesFrequency>​5</​salesFrequency>​+        <​salesFrequency>​15</​salesFrequency>​
         <​salesFrequency usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​5</​salesFrequency>​         <​salesFrequency usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​5</​salesFrequency>​
 +        <​salesFrequency usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​8</​salesFrequency>​
       </​salesFrequencies>​       </​salesFrequencies>​
       <​dateAddeds>​       <​dateAddeds>​
-        <​dateAdded>​2002-05-30T09:​30:​10</​dateAdded>​ +        <​dateAdded>​2020-05-30T09:​30:​10</​dateAdded>​ 
-        <​dateAdded usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​2002-05-30T00:​00:​00</​dateAdded>​+        <​dateAdded usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​2020-07-30T00:​00:​00</​dateAdded>​ 
 +        <​dateAdded usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​2020-06-30T00:​00:​00</​dateAdded>​
       </​dateAddeds>​       </​dateAddeds>​
       <​sorts>​       <​sorts>​
         <​sort>​5</​sort>​         <​sort>​5</​sort>​
         <sort usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​7</​sort>​         <sort usergroup="​LNrLF7BRVJ0toQ==">​7</​sort>​
 +        <sort usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​6</​sort>​
       </​sorts>​       </​sorts>​
       <​allProperties>​       <​allProperties>​
Line 790: Line 840:
           <​property>​           <​property>​
             <​key>​Basic_rate_price</​key>​             <​key>​Basic_rate_price</​key>​
-            <​value>​99.9</​value>​+            <​value>​44.8</​value>​
           </​property>​           </​property>​
         </​properties>​         </​properties>​
Line 816: Line 866:
           <​property>​           <​property>​
             <​key>​Basic_rate_price</​key>​             <​key>​Basic_rate_price</​key>​
-            <​value>​89.9</​value>​+            <​value>​44.8</​value>​
           </​property>​           </​property>​
         </​properties>​         </​properties>​
 +        <​properties usergroup="​PN3enVBRVH0To(/">​
 +          <​property>​
 +            <​key>​sale</​key>​
 +            <​value>​1</​value>​
 +          </​property>​
 +          <​property>​
 +            <​key>​novelty</​key>​
 +            <​value>​0</​value>​
 +          </​property>​
 +          <​property>​
 +            <​key>​logo</​key>​
 +            <​value>​http://​www.shop.de/​vendor.png</​value>​
 +          </​property>​
 +          <​property>​
 +            <​key>​availability</​key>​
 +            <​value><​![CDATA[<​span style="​color:​ green;">​3 days</​span>​]]></​value>​
 +          </​property>​
 +          <​property>​
 +            <​key>​old_price</​key>​
 +            <​value>​99.9</​value>​
 +          </​property>​
 +          <​property>​
 +            <​key>​Basic_rate_price</​key>​
 +            <​value>​44.8</​value>​
 +          </​property>​
 +        </​properties> ​     ​
       </​allProperties>​       </​allProperties>​
     </​item>​     </​item>​